This course is designed specifically for staff with a designated responsibility for fire safety within the organisation. The course provides the competency and confidence required that will allow them to carry out their duties relating to fire safety and emergency procedures and to ensure fire safety compliance within the organisation. It could also be referred to as a ‘Fire Manager’ or ‘Competent Persons’ course.
Who should attend?
Staff who have been nominated as a Fire Warden training or have been designated specific responsibilities in the event of a fire or have duties associated with reducing fire risk in the workplace.
Fire Warden's day-to-day responsibilities often include testing and maintenance of fire safety provisions, development of the Emergency Action Plan and a dedicated role in the emergency evacuation.
Outline the role of the Fire Warden.
– Assisting with the emergency evacuation
– Managing fire safety and ensuring compliance
Day-to-day Fire Safety Management to include:
– Testing, maintenance and inspection of equipment
– Conducting safety tours
– Identifying hazards and risks
– The importance of fire doors and how to inspect them
– Fire stopping
Outline to everyone their responsibilities in relation to fire safety - creating a ‘fire safety culture’ within the organisation
Examine the different evacuations plans within the building
- Emergency Evacuation/Action Plan - Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) - Standard Emergency Evacuation Plan
Evacuating the building safety
Safe selection and use of Fire Extinguishers

Have the staff responsible for fire safety received appropriate training for the role?
16 Park Close
01432 357772

Fire and Risk Management Services Ltd
Registered Office:
16 Park Close Holmer Hereford HR1 1LB
Registered in England:
Company Number 10939334
07879 997670